Saturday, June 5, 2010

Preparing for our trip across Australia

Hi everyone, we have four weeks to go before setting off ino the middle of nowhere.We've been preparing the car and getting the itinerary ready. We will be driving all the way to Brocken Hill on the first day and than drivivg across the Nullarbor to Norseman and up to Waluna, we will than be travelling across the Gunbarrel to Alice Springs and other places around there, than we will go across to Tamworth where we will visit our cousins and uncle and auntie. Along this whole trip we will be stopping and doing a heap of siteseeing and stopping oly after every few days to have showers. I can't  wait till we go and I'll try hard to update the blogs as much as I can.


  1. Sounds great Jack!! Wish I was going! Look forward to following your trip on your blog. Lisa xxxx

  2. Can't wait for the adventure, but most of all, 5 weeks all together!

  3. Well Jack its nearly 6 and no post on the first day whats going on. Hope all are well will be watching luv bob & jan

  4. Sounds great Jack. Keep up the good work with keeping us up to date. Missing you at football. Mark Mc
