Saturday, July 3, 2010


Yesterday, we left home at 8:30am after last minute packing which was behind schedual by 30 minutes. We had a rest stop just outside of Denman. After having a bite to ea we kept driving and I went back to sleep. Apparently we almost had a crash when a car was over taking us and another car turned on the road. This of course was caused by dad driving realy slow because he didn't want to waste petrol.

We stopped off at Dunedoo for lunch and we saw some giant wheat silos with pipes over some train tracks.Jordan went down and stood on the tracks for a photo when mum wasn't watching because she wasn't allowd to.
It was quite a boring drive from Dunedoo to Boppy Hill and it wasn't till dark that we got there. It was a little area next to the railway tracks we set up with only a light on the car and ate dinner straight away. We went to bed early but Jordan and I didn't sleep till 9:30pm because we kept kicking each other.

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