Thursday, July 15, 2010

Rockpool near Wiluna to Geraldton Bore.

We woke up when dad knocked on the tent as usual and Jordan and I didn't get up for another 10min as we spent the whole time tickling each other. When we packed up and drove off Jordan fell asleep for an hour while I sat playing my DS because I had finished two of my books and didn't want to read my last book in the first two weeks.

Today was meant to be an easy short day but it was graded so we thought it would be better to push it and sleep two nights at the stop for the next night. SLEEP IN, YEAH.

We saw lots of kangaroos and birds but mum and dad saw more than Jordan and I because we were doing other things than looking out the window.

We stopped at Mingel Camp, which is where we were originally going to stay over night, for lunch. It was on a creek that was filled with water and there were little birds flying everywhere. I had my first peanutbutter and honey sandwich for ages. So yum.

We drove to Carnegie Station where we topped up on fuel that cost $2.50/L. Mum and Jordan thought that the lady serving us was rude and grumpy. She wasn't it was just mum and Jordan thinking what they wanted to think. There were two dogs running around, realy it was only one running which was black and white and jumping up trying to bight our faces playingly while the other was black, CLEARLY A BOY and was just walking around hoping for a pat.

After Carnegie Station, Jordan and I made up our own language which is realy quite good but we haven't thought of speaking or numbers yet just letters.

We passed about seven 4WDs driving together on the way to Geraldton Bore. We stopped at Mt Lambert where I woke up from my much needed ten minute sleep. We all put rocks on a tower of rocks and dad wanted to put his on the top so he climbed up and knocked everyone elses off as he climbed. We saw cammels next to the road and I spotted a dingo run across the road about 200m ahead. There was long grass and only the most observant person could have possibly spotted it.

We reached Geraldton Bore and there were three men that travel all over Australia that we chatted with and once again used their fire when we didnt have one.

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