Friday, July 9, 2010

Mt Ive to Loche Claypan

We woke up at 7:10 am and went to see some puppies that the sheep station had for adoption. They were very cute and we didn't pack up and leave till 9:05 which is not very good considering how much exploring we had to do.

We first went and looked at the organ pipes which looked realy cool. Unfortunately we had to walk to them which isn't bad but we walked on the hills and there were spikey bushes everywhere. We than found out that there was actually a track around the hills to them.

Than, on the way to visit Kath's castle which was more organ pipes we stopped and looked at a submarine in the middle the desert, quite odd. These organ pipes were massive and we climbed up them and Jordan was so scared. Next to Kath's castle was the embankment which was a dam built in 1892.

For lunch we drove to Lake Gairdner which was filled with water and seemed to go on for ever. On the way out we saw a wedge tail eagel, kangaroos and wallabies.

We stayed in the bush next to Loche Claypan which was just off the side of the road and I don't think we were allowed to be there. There were spikes everywhere but it was nice because we got there at 3:30 so we had time to eplore and have fun.

We made a massive fire and sat at it until 9:00 reading, playing DS and Texas Hold'em Poker which Jordan won with begginers luck.

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